our latest project

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Time is very precious to us..it is crucially important for us to find ways to make the most of the time together for bonding, learning purposes and enjoyment.

Our latest project was to encourage creativity and thinking outside the box. I personally feel that i need to nurture thinking skills in my kids. Thinking is the best weapon in life especially when combined with Iman. Thinking also vital to make us close to Allah and be grateful.

I want my kids to walk in this life as a stranger who sees the world with fresh eye, seeing failure as a way to bounce higher, seeing problems as opportunities,solving the problems rather than avoiding them. Problems are our chance to leap beyond our capabilities. All with Allah's blessings.

This time we do it outdoors to allow more rooms to move, no worries for any spill, appreciating fresh air and morning sun. *sun stimulate the 'happy hormones'..;)

lets photos tell the stories: (photo not in sequence)
the final product! Umar did it himself!
the team working together

Umar decorating his masterpiece..
Painting with his own color preference with combination of few colors..
Transforming our old 'spoon case' ..
the things we need, cost less than RM10..
the team members before we started

May try this at your home. If u wish to try this idea, please link us to your entry will ya?!


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