Personalized story book;)

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To make our reading journey more interesting and for Umar to have more sense of attachment to the books, I made some personalized story books. They are just some simple books but with variety of new words to introduce to Umar.

I have this ideas since Umar now show his interest on the laptop. So why not prepare some educational material on the lappy for him;)

Umar was smiling and eager to read the book as he saw his own photos on it. It may save the cost too and it allows mothers to create a book that suits their child;)

have a is a good feeling when Umar likes the book so much. Planning to print the books out later! Yeay! Alhamdulillah..

p/s: I planned to make more children book on Islamic values as it quite difficult to find simple and interesting Islamic story books. Hope I could make it before the labor pains start! Pray for us! May Allah bless our families!

What do you think about this personalized story books?leave some comments as they make my day!


amiza said...

ana, good idea on writing an islamic book for for aqilah, i have to try other method because she easily get bored with i used her toys as a learning tool and she loves it..

Ummu Umar said...

better find a way that suits aqilah..many factors influence our child interest e.g. age etc.

Just do anything as long as we spend good times together!!go aqilah!

kak long said...

mmg bagus idea min ni. Selain dari mengajar anak utk lebih menyukai buku (coz cerita tu mengenai diri dia sendiri kan) secara tak langsung ia merupakan satu catatan sejarah utk kita dan anak tu sendiri.
Pasal buku berbentuk Islamic tu mmg kak long sokong 100% coz susah nak dapatkan buku Islamic yg menarik utk anak2.

leh share cara nak buat buku tu tak....(semua yg min buat kak long nak ikut kan...he he)

Ummu Umar said...

kak long: tuhla..akan cuba untuk wat buku2 islamic for hari ni energy level mcm merudum(mungkin xlama lagi nak due ni..heh berharap ek)..hehe..mungkin esok lusa iAllah mula..biiznillah

أم الليث said...

betul susah nak cari interesting islamic books. ada je but i think they are not written by childhood experts yg tau developmental milestones. sukati je tulis hehe.

i'm writing my own books too. kan org selalu kata..kalau tak puas hati, buatlah sendiri! hehehe

cutiecaliph said...

aliya: true2..buku islamic tuh memang ada..cuma panjang2 and anak cepat bosan..

hahha..betul tuh..kalau dok xpuas hati jek wat la sendiri dok gitu?:)

salzahari said...

ye doc. susah nak cari buku Islamic books yg menarik..and this one,is really an idea.

should try one! ;) My Aliah loves books..currently she's into puzzles and building blocks. mcm addicted gitu!

Afzan Aini said...

ana, best nye ko ade byk mase nak buat buku camnih. aku slalu rase nak buat, tapi tek terbuat. Good job!! Nanti aku pon nak rajin cam ko.

cutiecaliph said...

salzahari: cubalah:) memang rasa rewarded sangat bile anak kita enjoy the books! kalau xnak print make it as an e book for Aliah! good to hear that Aliah loves books and puzzles too!

Afzan: tuhla afzan..sementara ada masa ni aku utilise la..jarang dpt kesempatan mcm ni..sekali dpt cuti panjang ni nak utilise habis-hbaisan iAllah.jomla buat..nanti ko cuti bersalin leh wat:)